Anyone keeping up with the more recent changes from Google over the last 12 months could be forgiven for thinking the search giant has branched out into protecting wildlife. However, the very cute and cuddly names given to its recent algorithm updates, Panda and Penguin, have meant many websites have become endangered as far as their search engine rankings are concerned.
It’s not that Google’s algorithm updates have changed what it’s looking for in a website; they mean the search giant is improving how it separates the proverbial wheat from the chaff. The updates aim to crack down on bought links and keyword-stuff content. Punishing these previously successful SEO (search engine optimisation) techniques has sent a lot of Internet marketing companies back to the drawing board, and even hitting reverse on some of their link building activities by removing links that are now damaging their clients’ rankings.
Where there are losers, there are also winners. The websites which have seen increased rankings, traffic and, ultimately, business from Google’s updates have been those which have adhered to what Google has always sought to champion: quality websites offering well-written, unique, content which is relevant and helpful for the user. SEO isn’t a box of magic tricks or a dark art practiced by morally dubious, clandestine figures shrouded in mystery. It’s about your website giving your users what they want.
Google wants to help people find what they’re looking for. It’s how Google makes billions every year. Help Google to help you by making your website an authority within your industry. If it sounds simple, it’s because it is.